As you know, humans are designed and created not as a Nocturnal living thing. Humans were created to do most of their jobs in the morning than at night, so if you are a night person you better change that habit! Well of course, by all means, if you're a security who works at night or you're a university student at the final semester, you don't have any other choice. Just try to stay healthy by eating a lot of healthy foods and do more exercises!
1. Intestine 07.00 – 09.00
Your Intestine works their best around those time in a day. This is why you ought to eat breakfast around 7 until 10, because the Intestine can absorbs those nutrition from your foods the most effective at this time. This is also the reason why you feel like you have to go to the toilet in the morning, the Intestine also remove all toxics around this time.
2. Spleen 09.00 – 11.00
Spleen works its best and hardest at this time. If you feel tired or sleepy around this time of day (even when you had such a good night sleep), you should decrease the consumption of sugar or sweets, fats and oils. I recommend you to eat pasta, noodles, or red rice. If you eat white rice, try to eat it with vegetables or fruits afterwards, because fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber that'll get rid of those useless fats and sugars. I also recommend you to eat oat meal, porridge or noodles or breads for your breakfast. Just a light one but contains a lot of nutrition
3. Heart 11.00 – 13.00
Around this time of day, try to avoid heavy activities such as sports, or any physical activies, The heart works its hardest around this time of day. Try to relax, and if you have time, taking an hour nap will be very great! (Only if you have time, do not force yourself to do so after reading this blog!) Also, try avoiding sun's heat.
4. Liver 13.00 – 15.00
Around this time, the live does its weakest to neutralize all toxic that you accidentally put inside your body. This is why you need to be relax and not doing anything heavy so that it won't increase the work of the liver.
5. Kidney 17.00 – 19.00
Around this time, the kidney works its best. It also helps the body to produce back bone cells and brain cells. That's why the most productive time to learn is around this time of a day, because you tend to concentrate even sharper around this time! DOES NOT MEAN you only gotta learn around this time! I said the "best", which means the other times is "good".
8. Heart 01.00 – 03.00
The heart works its hardest around this time. This is why you need to go to rest so that your heart doesn't need to work harder.
9. Lungs 03.00 – 05.00
Lungs do its job to remove dusty toxic from respiratory route inside our body around this time. This is why you often coughing or sneezing a lot in the morning. DO NOT eat or drink any medicine to stop this, this is the signs that your body works well, that the lungs remove all the toxic. But if the cough continues all day, by all means, you are ill.
Love your body and your body will love you even more! You only have one body, you have a pretty strong reasonable reason to love your body...have a great Friday!