
Monday, January 23, 2017

Dear President Trump and the people of US,

I want to congratulate President Donald J. Trump for being the official 45th president of the US! Barrack Obama has left with one of the greatest and tremendous legacies compared to other presidents. I do hope that president Trump would also do the same thing or even better in the next 4 years!

I know that many of the Americans, and also around the world, do not want him to be the US president. Many would dare to move to Canada or other country just to avoid Trump's governance and leadership, many disrespect him because of his controversial approach and rules. I do feel the same way too, I would not have voted for Trump if I had been an Americans as well. You know, here's a thing, if Hillary won, we would already know how great America will be in her hands, she is a professional and has already had a lot of experiences in politics and leading America. We already know that she will give her best and that America will be unstoppable if she became the president. But, Donald Trump is an unexpected person, and he still needs to learn lot as he is a businessman and never had he put his hands in politic world before. This is why we should give him the chance to prove that he is also worth the vote and whatever he said could come to real life. 

If we keep on seeing things as bad, then it would become bad for the next 4 years. If we dare to say that everything would be okay and that Donald will be doing just fine through out the next 4 years, maybe things will at least look better. It's not that I want you to pretend like everything is okay while it's not, it's not that. I want you to see that Donald is a new baby in politics and somehow got elected, therefore we - the people - need to teach him by behaving well and show him how a real American should be, how Obama would do if he were still a president. Being rude towards Trump, keep on complaining, and let yourselves aroused by anger and emotion will not change anything now, in fact you are no different than President Trump himself.

You need to show him that Obama has really left with great legacies, yes, and those legacies are you, the people of America, the people of the world, the good relations Obama has built with other countries and nations. Do not damage it by doing things that Obama would dislike if he were the president. However, want it or not, Donald Trump is the president of the US now and for the next 4 years, many things can happen, many unexpected things to be exact. But do not fear, Michelle wanted you not to fear of what is coming, instead, we must give our best every single day and always spread kindness no matter how people around you treat you. THE GOVERNMENT may destroy obamacare, remove the climate change on the web, removing people from the US for safety purpose, and maybe destroy what used to be your rights. BUT, you are you, you are a human being who deserve to have a proper living, a proper life just like any other people do. You have the rights to be loved, to be respected and if people do not respect or love you, just treat them like you wanna be treated. YOU STILL HAVE THE RIGHTS to LOVE, to RESPECT OTHERS, to CARE OF OTHER PEOPLE. They can never take that away from you, you were born this way and your life matters, because people were born and live for reasons. And always remember that you were created by Him to accomplish an enormous purpose, yes, that is to spread peace and kindness.

One last thing, NO religion is the most perfect religion. Even Jesus did not have any religion, He is not a catholic, not he was a Christian. But for sure, He was a human being and He did spread kindness through words and actions. Therefore, you do not have any rights to judge other religion based on what you belief. NEVER FEEL LIKE YOUR RELIGION IS THE BEST, every religion were created imperfect so that EACH RELIGION, can complete each other. 

All in all, best hope for President Trump, and I know that you will eventually leave a positive legacy for the US. I know that as a president you are finally understand that money and power is not everything, but love and kindness are. 

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