
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Taylor and Calvin

Hey guys! So there have been some gossips and news about this (ex)couple. Before let me tell you that no one really knows about how or when or why Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris broke up. Taylor Swift has said no words but retweeting a Calvin's then-deleted tweet about their breakup, it says something about "respect". Then, Calvin started to reply to swifties comments whether on her instagram post, tweeter or a fandom's post on instagram. He always said that he was "free" and has completely no problem with Taylor's new relationship with Tom Hiddleston. That's what he said to his fans and to the swifties.

Yesterday, a news has been posted by Billboard, that Calvin and Rihanna hit song "This Is What You Came For" which peaked at #4 on Hot 100, was co-written by Taylor Swift. An unknown source who is close to Taylor, told the media that Taylor did not want her name to be in that song. But she did write the lyrics and the tunes, and she and Calvin did sing that song in the studio. Calvin editted the music, he made the tunes cooler and so on.


Also, yesterday Calvin Harris tweeted a lot of tweets about praising his ex, and also shading her. Here are the tweets.
And after that, these are what he tweeted:
He is so damn childish and so disrespectful kinda guy. So sarcastic and so full of hypocrisies and lies, so fake. I am truly disappointed with this fact that Calvin is this kinda guy. Did he realize that he made up with a new girlfriend just 2 days after he broke up? Does he realize that without Taylor writing "TIWYCF", his single with Rihanna, he wouldn't be at #4 on Hot 100? The last time I saw Calvin on the Top 10 of Billboard Hot 100 was 2 years ago, when he hit the chart with "Summer" in 2014. I think he should just thank her and shut up, that would be enough to be honest. He's jsut made himself as a bad figure in the public eyes. 

And what did Taylor do about this? Nothing. She keeps calm, be herself, enjoy her life, enjoy being in her new relationship with Tom, and of course keeps on spreading love and kindness. She visited fans in Australia few days ago, in some hospitals in Australia. She did not want this to be publicized, she forced the nurses, the doctors, the securities, the patients and other people involve with where she's gonna go, not to tell the press, the media or people that can spread things that she's gonna do. Now that's a true kindness. She only lets the world knows after her fans post pictures with her on social medias. 

I think Calvin Harris is just jealous that her girlfriend is being in the new and better relationship with Tom, and how kind she can be. "Darn it! I shouldn't have broken up with her!" and that's what Calvin Harris' thought. Shame on you Calvin. What a really terrible guy, Thank God Taylor has broken up with you.

And for Katy Damn Perry, take your hands and Hillary's gif off from this. This is Calvin and Taylor problem, not yours. So shut the F up Katy. 

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