
Thursday, June 16, 2016


There's this one tradition in Indonesia, especially for those who are Muslims, they are forced to do fasting. Hard? it is one of the hardest thing to be done in the life, and they have to do it. I personally as a Catholic, feel so amazed by their strong will to do it, even sometimes some of em are sick, they keep doing it. Isn't that amazing? I don't see any other country have such a strong tradition. So Muslims people are highly prohibited to eat from 4 AM until 6 PM, that is more than 12 hours without eating and drinking. I can stand without eating, but not for drinking.

But, in this year's fasting season, I have found so many differences than so many years before. There are rules that prohibit people selling their foods during 4 AM until 3 PM, and people who are eating or drinking in the public will be punished and given fine. Excuse me? This is Indonesia I'm talking about, have you people - who made the rules - forgotten "Bhineka Tunggal Ika"? Indonesia is a country with many different race, religions and also beliefs. Why are we forced to do something just because one is doing what they believe? I mean, I don't force other people to send me presents during Christmas right? Then why do you force us to stop eating and drinking? We won't do it in the public though, we have heart. We feel you and we know how hard it is to do fasting. 

There's this one food seller in Serang whose foods were taken by the police officers, just because she sells foods in her own restaurant during fasting. Hello????? What is wrong with that people? She is doing something that's called "Halal", and you punished her just because you were not strong enough to deal with temptations. And by temptations, I mean foods and drinks that were sold in her restaurant. She's sick now, and luckily she has been given donation by so many people. I'm genuinely thankful for that, God does never sleep. 

Here's what I'm trying to say, you have your own belief and faith, you do what your religion suppose you to do. I have my own belief and faith, I have Jesus Christ, and I don't force you to believe in Him. But I know we both are going and looking to the same ending, yes that is heaven. So, don't make our way to heaven shut just by doing something ridiculous. We should respect each other and treat each other the way we want to be treated. I feel how hard it is for you who are fasting, so I try not to eat anything in the public place, unless it's in a restaurant, I keep on eating my foods. All in all....Happy fasting people! it's been the 2nd week so far, there are only 2 weeks left. Stay strong!

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